Macross Delta Premium Playset **Ships 12/13/2024**
“Music is Hope” Makina (SP)
“Music is Mystery” Mikumo (SP)
“Music is Love” Reina (SP)
“Music is Life” Kaname (SP)
“Music is Energy” Freyja (SP)
Super Dimension Witch, Reina (SP)
Mandrine Noble, Kaname (SP)
Super Dimension Venus Walküre, Freyja (SP)
Scarlet Noble, Freyja (SP)
Super Dimension Witch, Kaname (SP)
Super Dimension Venus Walküre, Makina (SP)
Super Dimension Venus Walküre, Kaname (SP)
Super Dimension Venus Walküre, Mikumo (SP)
Super Dimension Witch, Freyja (SP)
Rose Noble, Makina (SP)
Super Dimension Venus Walküre, Reina (SP)
Violet Noble, Mikumo (SP)
Super Dimension Witch, Makina (SP)
Super Dimension Witch, Mikumo (SP)
Emerald Noble, Reina (SP)
“Apple-Loving New Face” Freyja (DCR)
“Music Is Hope” Makima (DCR)
Immelman Dance, Hayate (DCR)
“Music is Mystery” Makina (DCR)
“Ultimate Songstress Mysterious Venus, Makina (DCR)
“Music is Love” Reina (DCR)
“Their Reapective Feelings” Freyja & Mirage (DCR)
“Music is Life” Kaname (DCR)
Silent Hacker, Reina (DCR)
Girly⭐️Girl Makina (DCR)
“In The Name of The Great Wind” Aerial Knights (DCR)
Youth Who Rises the Wind, Hayate (DCR)
Frobidden Borderline, Mikumo (DCR)
“Reaper” Messer (DCR)
Lineage of Geniuses , Mirage (DCR)
Directing Complaints to Public Relations, Mirage (DCR)
“Genuis” Max (DCR)
“To Sing is to Live” Freyja & Hayate (DCR)
“Music is Energy” Freyja (DCR)
Teary-Eyed Explosion, Kaname (DCR)
Untill the Day Our Voices Are Silenced… (DCR)
AXIA -Love & Hate- (DCR)
Forbidden Borderline (DCR)
ALIVE -Song of Prayer- (DCR)
Super Dimension Witch, Reina (DCR)
Mandrine Noble, Kaname (DCR)
“Battle Ready, OK Ex-Solo Idol” Kaname (DCR)
New Ace and Face, Freyja & Mikumo (DCR)
“The Future that Exists for US” Walküre (DCR)
Super Dimension Venus Walküre, Freyja (DCR)
Scarlet Noble, Freyja (DCR)
Super Dimension Witch, Kaname (DCR)
“Apple-Loving New Face” Freyja
“Music is Hope” Makina
Immelman Dance, Hayate
“Music is Mystery” Mikumo
“Ultimate Songstress Mysterious Venus” Mikumo
“Music Is Love” Reina
Their Respective Feelings, Freyja & Mirage
“Music is Life” Kaname
Silent Hacker, Reina
Girly⭐️Girl Makina
“In The Name of The Great Wind” Aerial Knights
Youth Who Rides the Wind, Hayate
Forbidden Borderline, Mikumo
“Reaper” Messer
Lineage of Geniuses , Mirage
Directing Complaints to Public Relations, Mirage
“Genius” Max
“To Sing is To Live” Freyja & Hayate
“Music is Energy” Freyja
Teary-Eyed Explosion, Kaname
Untill the Day Our Voices are Silenced…
AXIA -Love & Hate-
Forbidden Borderline [A]
Forbidden Borderline [B]
ALIVE -Song of Prayer- [A]
ALIVE -Song of Prayer- [B]
ALIVE -Song of Prayer- [C]
ALIVE -Song of Prayer- [D]
Super Dimenion Witch, Reina
Mandarin Noble, Kaname
“Battle Ready, Okay Ex-Solo Idol” Kaname
New Face & Ace, Freyja & Mikumo